Nail Hoot Birthstone Polishes Part 3

Hey guys! Any of you have a birthday in January, February or March? I have some lovely birthstone polishes from Nail Hoot to share with you all today!

Description: A gorgeous red toned holographic polish that is inspired by January's birthstone - Garnet.
Application & Formula: Good formula, easy and smooth application. Can be pulled off in nearly one coat!
Opacity: 2 coats
Price: $9
Description: A beautiful purple holographic polish that is inspired by the February birthstone - Amethyst.
Application & Formula: Good formula, easy and smooth application. Formula is on the thinner side, but can be built up easily at 2 coats. Don't overwork, you may end up with brush strokes.
Opacity: 2 coats
Price: $9
Description: A stunning blue holographic polish that is inspired by the March birthstone - Aquamarine.   
Application & Formula: Good formula, easy and smooth application. Formula is similar to February, but can be built up easily at 2 coats. Don't overwork, you may end up with brush strokes.
Opacity: 2 coats
Price: $9

Links: Store - Instagram - Facebook - Facebook Group

Do you have a birthday in January, February, or March? 

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