Hey guys! Can you believe summer is already here? In Kentucky we skipped spring and went from 40 degrees to 90 degrees in one week it seems. I only like the summer for one thing..swimming. I have a new pool this year that I can't wait to lounge around in all day! Otherwise, I stay inside so I don't melt lol. The May DOTM is a gorgeous purple that you don't wanna miss out on!
This years theme: The Witchcraft and Wizardry Collection Pt. 2
What's included:
One LIMITED EDITION nail polish
One extra gift
Shipping included (US only)
$15. Money is taken out of your paypal account every month. Cancel at any time!Misc info:
Monthly cut-off date is the 2nd of the month. For example, if you subscribe on 8/2 you are eligible for August's box which will be mailed out approximately 8/15. If you subscribe on or after 8/3, your payment will go toward September's box.
Don't want to commit to a box every month?:
Also offered is the option to purchase single month boxes. Available until the end of each month, or while supplies last.
This polish is only available until the end of May!

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